What is Head Start?
And do I qualify?
Early Head Start &
Head Start:
Early Head Start (childcare and family support for children 6 weeks to 3 years old) and Head Start (preschool and family support for 3-5 year olds), serve our community’s youngest and most vulnerable children with early learning, literacy, and emotional development.
Both Head Start and Early Head Start are FREE to prenatal moms, teen parents, and children 6 weeks to age 5 through Full-Day Center-Based, or Weekly Home-Based programs.
At Albina Early Head Start and Head Start, we serve families living within North, Northeast and Southeast Portland.
Do I qualify for Head Start and Early Head Start?
Geographical Boundaries
We provide services to families currently living in the Portland Public School District within the North, Northeast (not past NE 110th) and Southeast (not past SE 110th) areas of Portland. Exceptions are made for families who have been displaced.
If you are unsure if you are in Albina Head Start and Early Head Start’s service area, call us at (503) 282-1975 or (503) 236-9389.
If you are not in our service area, find a Head Start near you.
Income Guidelines
Must have a total household income at or below Federal Poverty Guidelines.
Households with foster children and houseless/homeless families also qualify.
If you are over income and receive SNAP/TANF/DHS services you may still qualify.